Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

July 27th, 2020

RT @davatron5000: 🔝 New post: Gettin’ Foldy with the Dual-screen Web (Part I). I started playing around with making my sites respond to dua…

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@samsunginternet @Lady_Ada_King An interesting additional idea for this could be to progressively enhance the offline experience with articles from the Content Indexing API:, example implementation:

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RT @ChromiumDev: Learn how the browser-nativefs 💾 support library has helped (and is still helping) @excalidraw navigate the changes during…

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RT @IanLunn: A neat way of using CSS custom properties to style external SVG nodes (no more inling necessary to achieve the same).


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@torgo On mobile, swiping up the info sheet feels incredibly web-like (in a bad sense). This should be buttery smooth, but isn’t. 😕 I haven’t looked into the “why”, just noting it.

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Reading and writing files and directories with the browser-nativefs 💾 library. As we’re working on standardizing the Native File System API in Project Fugu 🐡, I realized having an abstraction layer 🐴 ponyfill kind of library might help smooth t

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@SaraSoueidan You probably deliberately chose to not show it, but since others following you might not know: @GitHub allows developers to show anonymized private repo contributions: I only found out about this by accident. 😃

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@rowan_m For navigation, maybe something for Turbolinks (!
Also: weee, dark mode!

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@ericlaw @__jakub_g +1, always gets in my way, too. Filed
(CC: @dcrousso @webkit)

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@slightlylate @dluzar @HenrikJoreteg Maybe we could also consider rewarding origin trial participants (that have provided useful feedback) by extending their individual tokens for the final shipping OT version beyond that OT’s end until the feature ship

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@dluzar @HenrikJoreteg Maybe @slightlylate can shine more light on this decision?!

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@dluzar @HenrikJoreteg It won’t be that much of an issue, thanks to the way it’s all set up as progressive enhancement:

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@HenrikJoreteg As promised following up on this action item. The PR adds a warning about the to-be-expected downtime after a successful origin trial. ✅

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Introspecting CSS via the CSS OM: Getting supported properties, shorthands, longhands Useful exploration by @LeaVerou in the context of the @HTTPArchive Almanac project.

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@rowan_m Mesmerized ⚛️. What did you say?

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@rowan_m Doesn’t work without `OffscreenCanvas`. Here’s why:

File: page.js
Line: 130
Fix: const atom = new AtomModel(this.curAtom, renderer);

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