Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

Now at

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

July 7th, 2020

RT @RickByers: This is a controversial and sometimes emotionally charged topic in browser engine land.

Kudos to @briankardell and @igalia…

via Echofon

RT @anssik: I’m stoked to announce the speaker lineup for the upcoming virtual @W3C workshop on Web & ML: On behalf…

via Echofon

The Google Rich Results Test Tool is out of beta and effectively replaces the #StructuredData Testing Tool: #SemWeb

via Echofon

Adding prefers-contrast to Firefox:

via Echofon

@brodieseo You can do this manually, if you copy the Text Fragments one adter the other and then separate them with “&”. Example where I highlight “first part” and “second part”:



via Twitter for iPhone

@eiszfuchs For what it’s worth, “no-preference” was removed from the specification:

via Twitter Web App

RT @mnot: I got curious about how people use HTTP Cache-Control, and dug into the @HTTPArchive for some answers.

via Echofon