@excalidraw @Hicksyfern The Catalan flag emoji isn’t properly supported/defined yet, but the underlying issue still is that languages aren’t countries. We have discussed this before. I have corrected the translation, though: Catalan is català .
@jarethgk @justinfagnani @JoubranJad @samthor For completeness sake: here’s also @dandclark1’s HTML Modules proposal: https://t.co/lRqkbooIMr.
@Hicksyfern @excalidraw Laura (my wife who actually is Catalan) raised her eyebrows. A few of her eyebrows…
RT @petele: @dalmaer @dangoor @cjamcl @andreban @justinfagnani I put the code for my StreamDeck + Google Meet extension up at https://t.co/…
RT @ricmac: 1/ Introducing my new side project: https://t.co/Mf4Vmz2LUV ⳠIt’ll be an ongoing chronicle of internet history, from a develop…
@Hicksyfern @excalidraw My wife and I just finished Catalan. ✅