Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

January 27th, 2021

Bringing @EdgeDevTools to VS @code for debugging Web Apps, by @codepo8: I love it when the Web toolbox gets better. 🧰

via Twitter for iPhone

🔢 PSA: If you use `browser-nativefs`, it has been renamed to `browser-fs-access` ( as part of our effort for a more inclusive language ( Install the latest release v0.13.0 via npm:

npm install -

via Twitter Web App

RT @GDGLaPaz: Thomas Steiner is a Developer Advocate at Google Hamburg, focused on making the Web a better place through standardization, c…

via Twitter for iPhone

@benadam11 @rsms 🎧 As a happy user of your PWA on desktop (installed via Chrome), I’m only bummed that Safari/Firefox don’t allow for the same install experience. Have you pushed them? (Full disclosure: Project Fugu 🐡 DevRel

via Twitter Web App in reply to benadam11

@codepo8 The only caveat is the color of visited links. Chrome recently made the switch so our contrast is sufficient, but other browsers haven’t (bug links in the article). Also need to be careful w/ iframes, since the CanvasColor system color that thi

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to codepo8

@codepo8 Well, 15 lines of code is nice. But how about 1? 😉 Works best in combination with `prefers-color-scheme`, but also in isolation.

:root { color-scheme: dark light; }

via Twitter Web App in reply to codepo8

@DasSurma @RReverser @brucel @parceljs Something pretty close would be the eleventy-image package described in @zachleat’s post

via Echofon