@darin_hensley I don’t know, but it’s been quite recently… https://t.co/lBXE5Dyp2Q.
People keep tripping over the question how to serialize a `FileSystemHandle` when working with the File System Access API. My StackOverflow post provides an answer: https://t.co/jKAZywLvkm (PR to add this to our article https://t.co/tV7wGEw5k5 coming, too
Back in August of last year @jefbinomed invited me to an #AskTheExpert event to present about Project Fugu 🡠(https://t.co/AgA8tl1Bvz). Thanks so much for the super cute surprise that was in the mail today. <3 https://t.co/CFzaxnhjnD
RT @webkit: Release notes for Safari Technology Preview 119 are available with updates to Web Inspector, Speech Recognition, CSS, Scrolling…
@hashseed Is this a financial advice that I can hold you accountable for? I’m all in now.
RT @ericwbailey: I wrote about how you can use your mouse without using your hands, featuring a video where I put my gigantic eyebrows to g…
@shadeed9 The famous grid blowout. I was bitten by this, too, when I redesigned my blog (https://t.co/Giec2AztpO). Thanks for sharing this article!
When to use HTTPS for local development and how (https://t.co/WXFBAShmRA), all explained by â¦@maudnalsâ©. 🔒 https://t.co/tvftmdcuMk
@andrey_l1nd3n 🎈 Congratulations, we need more professional bridge builders! 🌉
RT @w3c: The @W3C and the @ietf are pleased to announce that Web Real-Time Communications (WebRTC) is now an official standard, bringing au…
Long awaited and finally coming: The File System Access API will soon support a suggested file name for the file save dialog (and a suggested opening location, too). 🎉 Users of Browser-FS-Access 💾 will automatically make use of the name once it land