Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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January 8th, 2021

@Lipis @fireship_dev @excalidraw This would probably work, but maybe with the phone as a secondary input device that controls a desktop instance of Excalidraw.

via Twitter Web App

@spacegangster @ChromiumDev @excalidraw Thanks for asking. They still love us because the app is designed to work well with notch devices ( and for the advanced features we use a progressive enhancement approach:

via Twitter Web App

.@RegSprecher Trying to read the description of the necessary cookies on my iPhone 11 Pro Max. It’s almost as if in order to read the _necessary_ cookie information, I need to accept _all_ cookies first. And I’m a technically versed

via Echofon

@theurbenlife @WebCreators Noticed that on smaller viewports the headings flow in two lines, with the second line reaching into the main text.

via Echofon in reply to theurbenlife

RT @jensimmons: Aspect Ratios in CSS will also solve the oh-so-annoying problem with not being able to make iframe-based videos flexible (Y…

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