@tunetheweb @scottjehl @HenriHelvetica @simevidas @jensimmons Correct. The ultimate plan is to add it, as outlined here: https://t.co/ArUHfCkGTy:
The UA-stylesheets of all browsers will add this code:
img, video {
aspect-ratio: attr(width) / attr(h
@scottjehl @HenriHelvetica @simevidas @jensimmons The difference to images is that you need to explicitly set the rule for videos or iframes, whereas the user-agent stylesheet now does it for you for images.
@scottjehl @HenriHelvetica @simevidas @jensimmons I’d say yes, put it. The new aspect ratio calculation can use it. See Example 2 of https://t.co/3QqvO5BZIc.
@simevidas You might need both:
Alt: A rolled up cat sleeping on a chair.
Caption: Taking a nap.
@andreban @samthor Yeah, seems like an end-of-life Android device’s System WebView (https://t.co/s0mL6EHvIK). Maybe someone embeds your app and ships it (for $) on the Play Store. Good luck combing through https://t.co/4h3fwz0irL.
RT @modelviewer: Very impressive use of our web component! https://t.co/aFGEpJPZ80
Especially nice is the use of annotations in combinatio…
@RReverser IRC. E-Mail.
RT @IPFS: We teamed up with @igalia to bring the #dweb to browsers. See what we’ve done so far, and what’s coming up next!
RT @_developit: 😴 turns out you ð—°ð—®ð—» implement sleep() in JavaScript.
Never do this on the main thread, but if you need to pause a Worker t…
@_developit @kristoferbaxter I pretty regularly move myself into a state where it’s easier to copy my changes into a temporary directory, delete the whole project, and start off with a freshly cloned copy where I paste in my stuff in a new branch. 🙈
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